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שיעורי תורה - הרצאות - דרשות להורדה
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - You will be working in the Torah -
You will be working in the Torah
views: 848 | Before 6 Years | Uploaded on: 9th Cheshvan 5779
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Parashat Pinchas, You Will Eat the Fruit of Your Labor, 5764 - Parashat Pinchas, Job, Work, Parnasa, Limud Torah
Parashat Pinchas, You Will Eat the Fruit of Your Labor, 5764
views: 961 | Before 11 Years | Uploaded on: 18th Tammuz 5773
 downloads - download the torah lesson - lectures
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Tuesday morning, parashat chayei sarah, Strengthening the work of God, 2010. - parshat chayei sarah, Strength, torah
Tuesday morning, parashat chayei sarah, Strengthening the work of God, 2010.
views: 725 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 17th Cheshvan 5772
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Tuesday night, parashat Lech lecha, Go and strengthen at the work of the Creator, 2010. - parshat Lech lecha, strength, duty, torah
Tuesday night, parashat Lech lecha, Go and strengthen at the work of the Creator, 2010.
views: 824 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 10th Cheshvan 5772
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Parshat Nitzavim-VaYelech 5766, Thursday night - The greatness of printing Halachic works. - Parshat Nitzavim, parashas vayelech, halacha books, books publishing
Parshat Nitzavim-VaYelech 5766, Thursday night - The greatness of printing Halachic works.
views: 850 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 20th Adar 1th 5771
 downloads - download the torah lesson - lectures
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - The wings and the brakes - 2005. - workship of god, parashat vayechi, baal tshuva
The wings and the brakes - 2005.
views: 871 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 20th Adar 1th 5771
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - You will be working in the Torah -
You will be working in the Torah
views: 305 | Before 6 Years | Uploaded on: 9th Cheshvan 5779
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Parashat Pinchas, You Will Eat the Fruit of Your Labor, 5764 - Parashat Pinchas, Job, Work, Parnasa, Limud Torah
Parashat Pinchas, You Will Eat the Fruit of Your Labor, 5764
views: 607 | Before 11 Years | Uploaded on: 19th Tammuz 5773
downloads - download the torah lesson - lectures
The Material against the spiritual, tazria, 5764.
views: 660 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 23th Nisan 5772
Tuesday morning, parashat chayei sarah, Strengthening the work of God, 2010.
views: 601 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 17th Cheshvan 5772
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